I bought, borrowed from the library, or got books free in exchange for an honest review.

Monday, May 15, 2017

Welcome to author Arlene Foster

Hello, Arlene, and congratulations on your book release!
I love that cover, and time travels are one of my favorite genres. How about a blurb?

Dorrie, felt a restlessness she couldn't explain, then a State Trooper, stops her for speeding. Thinking he is the answer to her discontent, she jumps headlong into an affair, only to realize nothing has changed, except she is pregnant.
A week before her baby is due; she receives a Celtic knot necklace for her birthday, from a great-great-grandmother that died two years before she was born.  Suddenly, thrust back in time she becomes her own great-great-grandmother.
What's a girl to do with no microwave, no fast food, and very limited cooking abilities?  Why, she learns to tackle that monstrosity of a wood burning cook stove of course.  She may have been a tiny bit spoiled in her previous life, but she had been raised to clean house with the best of them (whoever them is), and has a non-defeatist attitude. 

****What a great concept!
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Again, thank you for being my guest here, and good luck with your book!  

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