I bought, borrowed from the library, or got books free in exchange for an honest review.

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Welcome to author Judith E. Vido

 Hello, I'd like to welcome my friend Judith E. Vido, a talented author. She has been writing captivating stories for years. 

Now, Judith will tell a little about herself and her work: 

Years ago I sat down with my tape recorder to process my issues concerning my relationship, or lack of, concerns. I hit the record button and just talked. Placing myself in the spot of the heroine, I created my perfect dream lover. Tall, dark, handsome, rich, of course, and with a slight Spanish accent. (My childhood love of Zorro never diminished.) For weeks I sat a bit every day and spoke into my tape recorder. Then, one day I realized I had a book.  My next problem was to find a way to make it a real book, not just my dreams on a tape recorder.


I am totally blind. When I approached the Department for the blind about getting, OMG, a computer, they opened my case, assigned me a teacher and Voila, I got a computer. My book was the first thing that went on my document page. There I could edit, rewrite and make Sebastian Calderon my hero with myself, or what I would like to have been as his lady love. Once I got Judith and Sebastian together, I went to work on his assistant, Miguel and found a cousin of Judith’s that even looks like her. Lastly I brought Carlos out of hiding to at last discover and marry his lady, the one whose life is a big secret to Sebastian and could ruin them all.


There were my first three books. A LIVING HEART, A SEARCHING HEART and A GUILTY heart. I consulted with my best girl friends to give them what they wanted in a romance and even suspense. That was nearly thirty years ago. Recently all of my six books have been placed on Amazon and I am very proud of all of them. My writing is sparse, but it is everywhere I find. Short pieces I just scribbled down, poems, stories that rattled in my brain until I put them on the computer. 


When my partner died, my promise to write about my experiences with diabetes and blindness and all my other wild and wooly ways had to be fulfilled. 


My last two books, romance/mystery/western/paranormal, (go figure) are there too.FOREVER AT YOUR SIDE and COMMONWEALTH HOUSE. 

So, there I am with my beautiful love, Aleksander the little black wonder cat published on Amazon at last. Check it out and me too if you dare. SMILE

Lastly, none of it could have happens without the computer genius of Laura Hogg. God bless her for all the help she had freely offered and given over all these years. 

Judith's work can be found here:

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Judith-E-Vido/e/B0757HVMSZ?ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1&qid=1599698330&sr=1-1


**Thank you, Judith, I have enjoyed your work for years. 

Review of Ghosting Academy

      GHOSTING ACADEMY LS Delorme ~~~~~~~~~~~~~   GENRE :  paranormal psychological thriller   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~   BLURB:   It’s been years sinc...