I bought, borrowed from the library, or got books free in exchange for an honest review.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Thank you

Hello, in honor of the upcoming day, Thanksgiving, I wanted to post a short, incomplete list of ways to say "Thank you."  :) These are phonetic and only one form of possible ways to say the phrase.

Thank you in languages:
1: Thank you
2: Merci (French)
3: Gracias (Spanish)
4: Spasiba (Russian)
5: Grazie (Italian)
6: Danke (German)
7: XieXie (Chinese)
8: (Domo) Arigato (Japanese)
9: Takk (Norwegian)
10:Obrigado (Portuguese)
11:Mahalo (Hawaiian)
12: Shukran (Arabic)
13: ngiyabonga (Zulu)
14: tak (Danish)
15: Wado (Cherokee)
16: Yishar hailak (Aramaic)
17: Tapadh leat (Scottish Gaelic)
18: Go Raibh maith agat (Irish Gaelic)
19: Asante (Swahili)
20: Dhanyavaad (Hindi)
21: Diolch (Welsh)

Review of Ghosting Academy

      GHOSTING ACADEMY LS Delorme ~~~~~~~~~~~~~   GENRE :  paranormal psychological thriller   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~   BLURB:   It’s been years sinc...