I bought, borrowed from the library, or got books free in exchange for an honest review.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

A Secret Place, a novel by Chet Bogar

Set in the mid-nineteenth century in Brazil and Florida, this is a fast-paced story with depth. War and revolution are the backdrop, and the world of this tale is well-written. Mr. Bogar develops superb characters, ones we get to know and love or hate. Suspense carries the plot, making readers wonder what will happen next. The underlying spirituality of the book adds great substance and gives one much food for thought. The ending is surprising and emotionally moving. For an adventurous, historical novel, I'd recommend giving this one a look.

Review of Ghosting Academy

      GHOSTING ACADEMY LS Delorme ~~~~~~~~~~~~~   GENRE :  paranormal psychological thriller   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~   BLURB:   It’s been years sinc...