I bought, borrowed from the library, or got books free in exchange for an honest review.

Friday, October 11, 2024

CHOICE Dora Farkas



Dora Farkas




GENRE:  Women's Fiction






Val is a young Mexican-American quantum physicist and single mother struggling with an anxiety disorder and financial challenges. Her world is turned upside down when her ex-husband files for full custody of their three-year-old daughter to take her across the country where he was offered a job. The story unfolds as she decides either to stay put in Boston and meet job related deadlines or go on a holiday and visit her parents in Mexico.


Encouraged by her father, Val flies to Mexico with Maya, her service dog, and Daisy, her daughter, and she discovers a world of magic that will change her outlook on life forever. She also reconnects with her childhood friend, Mercedes, who gives her a glimmer of hope. Things, however, are not what they seem to be. As all areas of her life begin to fall apart, Val must explore the power of her intuition and make different choices to change the course of her and her daughter’s futures.






It was magic that led me to Val. The day her mother, la señora María, came into our house, I felt something I had never felt before. This woman and her family needed me. I couldn’t explain why. But as soon as she stepped into the house, I ran up to her and started pawing at her shiny shoes. La señora Luz always wore sandals, but this lady had the most interesting shoes ever, with high heels and colors I didn’t even know existed. She petted all my siblings, but I kept pawing at her shoes until she lifted me and didn’t put me down until she got back to her own house.


Is it a coincidence that la señora María got me right before Val got sick? Not a chance. Like all of us, la señora María was guided by her intuition to get a puppy for her daughter just when Val needed someone the most. Val and I had only been together for a few weeks when Val got so ill that she couldn’t get out of bed except to walk me. If I hadn’t been there, who knows what would have happened? My being there helped her to get through the day until her doctor told her to train me as a psychiatric service dog. I can’t tell you how happy it made me to have a job!




AUTHOR Bio and Links:





Although Dora was born in Budapest, Hungary, she lived in Mexico for five years during her early childhood. Her connection to the Mexican language, history, and cooking inspired the cultural setting for her debut novel, “Choice.” 


After getting her doctorate from MIT, she published her first book, “The Smart Way to Your Ph.D.” which paved the way for a six-figure consulting business while she was a stay-at-home mom with two daughters. She has given workshops about writing at MIT, Tufts, Boston University, the University of Connecticut, Ohio State University, the Scripps Research Institute, the University of Calgary, and the University of British Columbia. 




Author website: https://dorafarkas.com/

Buy link: https://dorafarkas.com/Choice


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dora.farkas





The author will be awarding a $25 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner.


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Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Review of Crossing Day




William A. Glass




GENRE:  Young Adult/Alternate History






It's been one hundred and sixty years since the Confederacy won its independence at the Battle of Altamaha Crossing. Slaves of African descent still perform most of the work in the South. This seems normal to Ryan Walters and his friends who attend high school in Huntsville, Alabama. Like teens everywhere, they enjoy sharing videos, playing sports, and hanging out with friends. Jaybird's drive-in is their favorite gathering place. There, they befriend Mish, a slave girl who works as a car hop. When the drive-in’s owner sells Mish to a dirty old man, Ryan and his friends awaken to the injustice around them. Despite the danger, they decide to help Mish escape. Will they succeed?






Melanie wanders into the dining room and finds her parents already seated at the table with their personal slaves standing behind them. Her mother, Dorothy, takes a sip of orange juice and replaces the glass on the lace tablecloth. Her servant, Natty, immediately gets a pitcher from the sideboard and refills the glass. Meanwhile, James is smiling at Melanie. “Morning, Miss,” he says. The white-haired Black man pulls out her chair. Once she’s seated, he spreads a cloth napkin over her lap. 


“What was all the ruckus at Jaybird’s last night?” Dan Montgomery asks. He’s the mayor of Huntsville and knows everything. 


“A German boy started it,” Melanie says defensively.


“Yes, and his father already called me to complain. He’s a big wheel at The Space Flight Complex.”




Montgomery points to the syrup. His slave, Parker, reaches for it and then pours. “Enough,” Montgomery snaps. He turns back to Melanie. “You and all the others will have a week of detention.” 


Melanie gasps. “What about cheerleading practice?”


“You should have thought of that before you went to the drive-in. That’s where all the delinquents hang out and you with them.”


“I won’t go anymore. Please.” Melanie bats her baby blues at her father. His expression melts. “Go to detention after school today, and maybe we’ll see about tomorrow.” 


“Thanks, Dad.” 


Montgomery cuts off a bite of pancake and pops it into his mouth. That reminds Melanie to eat as well. It’s almost time for the bus.




Crossing Day is an entertaining read, but it is also a novel to ponder. There are things that people may not think much about nowadays, but this story will have readers thinking of the past, in this case, an alternative past that is blended with the present.


The story is told through the experiences of some teenagers used to a way of life much different than we know it, one where African Americans are still under the horrible bondage of slavery in this country. The author has given even that a twist though: If America had been on the losing side during World War II, and Germany had won, what would happen in the States? What could life be like? The combination is intriguing. 


The characters are well-developed, and so is the world building of this fictitious setting. Through dialogue and sense details, we get a real feel for this imaginary time and place. There is plenty of tension to create suspense and a lot to think about here.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:



Bill is a retired business executive who now lives in a small southern town with his wife, Bettina. She’s a retired high school German teacher. Bill coaches soccer at a small college. Often, Bettina, who has a commercial driver’s license, pilots the soccer team bus to away games. 


Bettina and Bill have three sons, Alex, Robert, and Gordon who have all graduated from college and moved away to pursue careers. Instead of having an empty nest, Bettina and Bill now host three rescue dogs. They enjoy finding promising hiking trails to explore with their dogs.


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/william.glass.50767

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/williamasaglass

Twitter:  https://twitter.com/WilliamAGlass3 

LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/william-glass-1281609/

Goodreads:  https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/20170818.William_A_Glass 

LibraryThing:  https://www.librarything.com/profile/Glaswa4611


Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Crossing-Day-William-Glass-ebook/dp/B0CW8HBGV4/ref=sr_1_1







William A. Glass will award a $10 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter.


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Monday, September 30, 2024

Falling from the Nest


Bobbie Candas

GENRE: Historical Fiction



Spring 1946--Following four years of war on the heels of the decade-long Great Depression,
Americans are finally feeling a sense of hope that begins sweeping the nation…
Jo-Jo Anderson feels that optimism too. Slipping the reins of her Iowa farming town, Jo leaves
to make her mark on the entertainment scene in Manhattan. Audiences are clamoring for new
musicals on Broadway, nightclubs are flourishing, and NYC is the beating heart of the radio
networks. After arriving, Jo-Jo quickly realizes that thousands of would-be stars are following
her same ambitions, making opportunities scarce, but her luck begins to turn when she hears
about Talent Jackpot.
Her twin, Sarah, finds success with her studies as a scholarship student at the University of
Iowa. But Sarah is adrift socially, finding it difficult to forge friendships. Her perfectly planned life
is upended when her hometown boyfriend announces he’s suddenly joined the navy. Sarah’s
top grades draw the attention of a crusty biology professor and after accepting his offer of a lab
position, her rigid lifestyle gets a lot more complicated.
This novel tells a story of unexpected change. The twins make their way through multiple
challenges with humor, ambition, and heartbreak but remain tied together by the bonds of
sisterhood, winding their way through the seedier backdoors of the entertainment business, and
into college dorm life and love nest apartments.
With the historical backdrop of the post WW2 era, Falling From The Nest, reads as a stand-
alone story but also serves as a sequel to author Bobbie Candas’ previous novel, The Lost and
Found of Green Tree.


The last of the audition line moved forward and I was suddenly thrust up on the stage of the
Imperial Theater. There were three lines of ten on stage, filled with nervous male and female
hopefuls auditioning for chorus line spots for a new Irving Berlin musical, Annie Get Your Gun. I
could smell my fear as it branched out within me in tingling connections from my frozen face
down to my feet. Feet that now felt like dead weights attached to heeled dance shoes whose
soles were glued to the floor. I’d arrived late and was in the last group of an open-call audition
and purposely nudged myself into the center of the middle line, hoping for a hiding spot. But
hiding is hard when you’re a leggy, five-foot-nine, pale blonde female in a string of short,
muscular dancers. Kinda like a spotted giraffe among the lions.
After lining up, our executioner and choreographer took about sixty seconds to show us a dozen
linking steps to an opening dance sequence. His arrogant face, slim body, and searching eyes
leaned back appraising the lines. “OK, boys and girls, this one’s simple. Think you got it?”
Everyone around me anxiously nodded yes.
No, I wanted to shout. Repeat please!
The orchestra in the pit began cranking out a tune, as the choreographer yelled out…”And a
one, and a two--knee up, kick left, circle back, hop, hop, knee up, kick right…” Then he
motioned for the music to stop.
An exasperated expression covered his face. “Ladies and gentlemen, these are the basics, the
easy connections. Let’s start again on three. And a one, and a two--knee up, kick left, circle
back, hop, hop…” He stuck his arm out, motioning again for the music to stop.
“Alright, first cuts.” His long arm and dismissive finger pointed to the guilty dancers. “Tall blonde,
center middle row, thank you. You…guy on the end, first row, that will be all. Back row, green
sweater, left side, you may leave.”
He sighed deeply, clapped his hands, and said. “Let’s go again, cue music…repeat.”


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

I'm a Texas girl: grew up in San Antonio, went to school at UT in Austin where I earned my
degree in journalism, and settled in Dallas where I raised a husband, two kids and a few cats.
My husband, Mehmet, and the cats will probably disagree on who raised who, but I'm a sucker
for a robust discussion.
For years I was involved in retail management, but in 2014 I refocused on my writing, taking
deep dives into the lives of my characters. When you can pry my fingers off the keyboard, I
enjoy entertaining, sharing food and drink with friends and family. I enjoy shopping, usually on
the hunt for apparel, with a special weakness for shoes, and will frequently jump at the
opportunity of an unexpected trip to a far-away place.

And I always make time for reading. I keep a stack of novels ready and waiting on my night
stand, with a few tapping their toe in my Kindle. I bounce around genres, and I’m always ready
for a good recommendation.

Facebook: Author Bobbie Candas: https://www.facebook.com/bobbiecandasauthor
Amazon Author Central: https://www.amazon.com/Books-Bobbie-
Website: http://www.bobbiecandas@gmail.com

The author will be awarding a $25 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner.

Enter here: 

Monday, September 23, 2024





LS Delorme



GENRE:  New Adult Paranormal Romance Thriller






Amelie has always been different.


Most high school students find life challenging, but 17-year old Amelie has a lot more to contend with than typical teenage angst. Ever since she turned 11, others have been irresistibly drawn to her—with tragic consequences. Her only escape is at night when she flies to different times and places through her “dreams”. Her life begins to change when, on one of her flights, she meets Clovis, an alluring and mysterious young man who hides a secret.


As Amelie finds herself increasingly drawn to him, she learns his story, how it intertwines with her own and finally discovers how to live her life in the real world. Until her own secrets are revealed to the wrong people and that world turns upside down.








Amelie was startled out of this reverie by the sound of a twig snapping. Starting, she found herself not ten feet from a stag, staring back at her with wide black eyes. She heard a splash, and the stag was gone. When she turned, so was the boy. 


A cloud covered the sun, and the wind came up. The air around her crackled with energy. Something felt wrong. She scrambled to her feet and was beginning to back away when the boy leaped from the water and onto the bank just a few feet in front of her. He was crouched and “when his black eyes met hers, she felt her blood run cold. His form was human, but there was nothing human about his movements, or what was behind those eyes. He smiled and uttered a low growl.


Her body had her running before her brain—which was trying to tell her all this was unreal—could stop her. She sprinted toward the manor house, pulling up her wretched skirts as she forced her way through the long grass. Behind her she could hear the sounds of pursuit, but it sounded wrong. The cadence of the running didn’t sound like someone on two feet, but on four. She couldn’t see anyone, but she could see the grass being bent as something came at her. The manicured grounds of the manor house were only a few feet away. 


She had just thought she might make it, and be seen by someone, when she was hit hard from behind.




Bright Midnights is a dark paranormal romance story. From the beginning of this suspenseful tale, questions are created. Amelie is different. She has a mysterious gift/curse that does strange things to other people. Still, this high school student does her best to manage. 


Amelie becomes more likeable as we get to know her. When she goes on spiritual adventures at night in her sleep, she meets the fascinating Clovis. Who is he? Over time, his secrets are revealed, and they do not always put him in a positive light. Amelie does not seem to care though because she is falling for him. Will she change due to her developing love for him? What will she become?


There are confusing moments in the book, but these do not detract from the enjoyment of reading it. Perhaps, if I had read the first in the series, this would not have been an issue.


The other worlds that Amelie and Clovis inhabit when together are quite interesting to read about. Also, when Clovis finds a way to be in Amelie’s world, serious trouble could happen. These two characters are well developed and are surrounded by secondary characters who help us to understand the protagonists. 


This is an emotion-provoking story that is fast-paced and unpredictable. Readers will have to decide if Amelie can trust Clovis. The suspense and action are interspersed with profound questions. This book touches upon love of different sorts and is a real page turner. I was glad to hear that the author is going to continue this story in another book. Bright Midnights has an ending that readers won’t be able to predict. 


AUTHOR Bio and Links:


Lexy is the author of the “Limerent” novel series. She has also been a travel writer and author of The Unofficial Guide to Disneyland Hong Kong and An Expat Mom’s unofficial Guide to Disneyland Paris. She is an ex rock musician, ex science grad, recovering attorney and now an expat writer. Her love of writing stems from an eclectic life. As a navy “brat,” she grew up in various states across the US until her father retired to North Carolina when she was a teenager. As an adult, she has continued this “tumbleweed” life, having since lived in 3 countries, 9 US states, and 21 cities around the world. But, through all this change, her love of writing has been the one constant. Writing the Limerent Series allows her to use her unusual past to help create new worlds. Lexy now lives in Paris with her husband and two very cool sons.


Website:  https://www.lsdelorme.com/

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/lexyshawdelorme

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lsdelormeauthor

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@lexyshawdelorme

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lexy-shaw-delorme-357830/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lsdelormeauthor

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lexy.delorme





The author will be awarding a $25 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner.


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Friday, September 20, 2024

Men of the 65th


This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Talia Aikens-Nunez will be awarding a $25 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Honor and Fidelity. That is the motto of the 65th Infantry Regiment, also known as the Borinqueneers, the only Puerto Rican unit in the United States Army.

Since the regiment’s creation in 1899, the men of the 65th have proudly served the US through multiple wars, despite facing racial discrimination. Their courage, loyalty, and patriotism earned them hundreds of accolades, including the Congressional Gold Medal in 2014.

But the honor and fidelity of the men of the 65th came into question in 1952, in the midst of the Korean War, when ninety-one Borinqueneers were arrested and tried for desertion and disobeying orders. How could this happen in one of the most distinguished and decorated units of the Army?

In this telling of one of the forgotten stories of the Korean War, author Talia Aikens-Nuñez guides us through the history of the Borinqueneers and the challenges they faced leading up to what was the largest court martial in the entire war. Rediscover the bravery of the men of the 65th through Aikens-Nuñez’s thorough writing and the soldiers’ firsthand accounts of the Korean War.

Read an Excerpt

The Borinqueneers successfully defended the 1st Marine Division’s retreat, but they soon realized this was only part of a much larger withdrawal of UNC [United Nations Command] troops. As the retreat continued into mid-December, news came that the enemy buildup had accelerated. Chinese and North Korean forces were gathering and converging on Hungnam. The UNC’s worst fears were coming true: they were losing ground in the war.

They had to accelerate their plans in response to protect their troops and evacuate the Korean refugees that had fled to Hungnam. They ordered troops to board ships, division by division, and sail south to Pusan… Meanwhile, the 65th and the 3rd Infantry Divisions would hold the main line of resistance, providing enough cover for everyone to make it safely out of Hungnam…With each withdrawal, the enemy continued to push the Borinqueneers and the 3rd Infantry Division.

…They were exhausted from several days of fighting…The soldiers of the 65th were some of the last to leave Hungnam. They were hurried and squeezed tightly onto the final boats. Finally, they could rest and relax. Once they left, the military would destroy the port so the enemy could not use the equipment and facilities against them.

…After they loaded onto the final ship and set sail, the dynamite detonated. The soldiers looked back and watched the port explode…everything – erupted in smoke and flame.

About the Author:
Talia Aikens-Nuñez writes chapter books, picture books, and nonfiction for children. Her daughter inspired her to write her OMG Series of books about an accidental little witch. She and her husband live on a river in Connecticut with their daughter and son.

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Men-65th-Borinqueneers-Korean-War-ebook/dp/B0BNT3ZRZQ/

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, September 19, 2024

PLAYING ARMY by Nancy Stroer




Nancy Stroer



GENRE:  UpLit / domestic war






It’s 1995 and the Army units of Fort Stewart, Georgia are gearing up to deploy to Bosnia, but Lieutenant Minerva Mills has no intention of going to war-torn eastern Europe. Her father disappeared in Vietnam and, desperate for some kind of connection to him, she’s  determined to go on a long-promised tour to Asia. But the Colonel will only release her on two conditions—that she reform the rag-tag Headquarters Company so they’re ready for the peacekeeping mission, and that she get her weight within Army regs, whichever comes second. Min only has one summer to kick everyone’s butts into shape but the harder she plays Army, the more the soldiers—and her body—rebel. If she can’t even get the other women on her side, much less lose those eight lousy pounds, she’ll never have another chance to stand where her father once stood in Vietnam, feeling what he felt. The Colonel may sweep her along to Bosnia or throw her out of the Army altogether. Can you fake it until you make it? Min is about to find out.








I sucked in my gut and forced the top button of my BDU trousers through the hole. Pounds never melted off me like they did in the diet pill commercials. As I wrestled with my body’s ill-fitting container the latrine door opened and two pairs of boots tromped in. Specialist Pettit’s voice floated over the sound of running water. “Not to be mean or anything, but female commanders are the worst. And Lieutenant Mills is the absolute worst. I worked for her for two years in Personnel and she ragged on me the whole time.”


Whoa, shit. Enemy inside the wire. I stopped breathing altogether and leaned so close to the stall door my eyes crossed.


“Hey, now.” That was Lieutenant Logan, my replacement at my old job. Female soldiers carved their hierarchies along different lines, never straight down the military ranks, and new alliances were being tested. Would Logan stick up for me, officer to officer? “It’s a short-term thing. She won’t be here long.” Instead of reproach, Logan’s voice was edged with mirth. “The colonel needs a body in that chair until a real commander comes in, and now that I’m here, Lieutenant Mills is over strength. She’s the body.”


My face grew hot. Real commander? Body? I clamped my lips shut against the urge to burst out of the stall, roaring. I imagined inhaling the entire room then blowing them away with the release of my torso, all tightly packed plastic explosives and buckshot. These two, Logan especially, had no freaking clue.






AUTHOR Bio and Links:


Nancy Stroer grew up in a very big family in a very small house in Athens, Georgia and served in the beer-soaked trenches of post-Cold War Germany. She holds degrees from Cornell and Boston University, and her work has appeared in the Stars and Stripes, Soldiers magazine, Hallaren Lit Mag, Wrath-Bearing Tree, and Things We Carry Still, an anthology of military writing from Middle West Press.


She’s a teacher and a trainer, and an adjunct faculty member of the Ellyn Satter Institute, a 503(c) not-for-profit that helps individuals and families develop a more joyful relationship to food and their bodies. Playing Army is her first novel.


Social media links:


https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/49311942.Nancy_Stroer https://www.facebook.com/nancy.stroer/










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Sunday, September 15, 2024



This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. The author will be awarding a $20 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Jael Ked’Korhva hadn’t anticipated becoming the galaxy’s most wanted.

He hadn’t planned on picking up a strange alien artifact, either, but once it was clasped around his wrist, Jael was granted extraordinary abilities. His senses were heightened, his reflexes faster, and he could now regenerate from damage that would spell the end for others, which was a boon, considering he was just a derelict scavenger.

That was until forces from every corner of the stars wanted Jael’s artifact for themselves, and they’ll stop at nothing to take it back. What initially appears as a boon swiftly transforms into a weighty charge. Yet, it's a charge Jael accepts without hesitation, understanding the catastrophic potential should the relic fall into the wrong hands.

Prodded onward by visions of an ancient ally and a mysterious enemy, Jael becomes a pivotal piece in a vast interstellar play of power and dominion.

An action-packed space opera, perfect for science fiction fans of Sun Eater by Christopher Ruocchio or The Mercy of Gods by James S. A. Corey.

About the Author: Scott Killian grew up in California where he consumed every bit of sci-fi and horror media he could find. Delving deep into the works of Thomas Harris, Stephen King and H. P. Lovecraft to name a few, those dark portals in his mind were opened and his obsession with the macabre began. Story telling, in any form, is his greatest passion.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Scott.E.killian
Twitter: https://x.com/authorsekillian
Email: saltnsulfurpublishing@gmail.com
Newsletter signup: https://mailchi.mp/9f595cbdc394/author-scott-killians-newsletter
Book Link: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0DF1RLYLB

a Rafflecopter giveaway

CHOICE Dora Farkas

  CHOICE Dora Farkas   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~   GENRE :  Women's Fiction   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~   BLURB:   Val is a young Mexican-American quantum physi...